
Friday, May 20, 2011

I recently turned 29, a week ago, May 19th to be exact. I have had mixed feelings about turning 29 and haven't really known how to express them. Words aren't really my forte if you haven't noticed.

I started the count down out by saying things like, "I'm turning 29 next month." or "I'll be 29 in one week" any time the subject on age or my birthday came up. You'd think I was a 5 year old anticipating my 6th birthday. Maybe it was to warm myself up to the idea. But really 29 wasn't feeling too bad. I feel the same... hahaha! isn't it funny? when I was younger I thought that i'd magically feel different on my birthday. Like I'd feel older or new. But yeah 29 feels pretty good. I think it is because sometimes I think I might have, sort of, finally figured out who I am, what makes my heart sing and what I want to do with my life.

For some reason birthdays always make me think about marriage.... Maybe because I am so old and I'm not married. hahahah! I wonder if any other single, Mormon girls, over 25 feel that way... Nah! ;)

But I always think about getting married at 21 and how old I thought I was. Now I see how young I was and I didn't know anything about who I was. I think about when I was 25 and just newly divorced and still didn't know who I was even worse than before. I had completely lost myself.

yes. you have to hear this every year. hahahah!

Anyways, the point of all this rambling is I think I am finally starting to feel okay with who I am as person, although I have lapses of doubt and indecisiveness and suspect I always will.

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