
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Must find me a gay husband.... And stat!
Apparently it is super hot right now and tres chic.

There are some articles floating around that are getting tons of attention on the interwebs (such as this one found on theweed) and in the LDS community (such as this article in LDSLiving magazine) about mixed orientation marriages. (homosexual man married to a heterosexual woman) And not the kind where he announces after several years of marriage that he is gay, but both husband and wife chose to marry with the full knowledge that he is homosexual. I'm not going to interject my own beliefs or  about homosexuality as it is already a main topic of discussion and have nothing new to add to the discussion. Nor am I going to get all political, philosophical etc. All I'm sayin' is, Where do I find me a homosexual husband!?

The two articles mentioned above (and the most popular for the time being) almost paint mixed orientation marriages as ideal. They describe their marriages as more loving and connected than most traditional marriages, for lack of better words. (straight man married to straight woman) They paint this beautiful picture of how there is a deeper emotional connection because the physical lusting and attraction to the other is not there.... because apparently that is bad and gets in the way.... I am assuming the LDS magazine is saying it is advisable or a good idea for homosexual men and women... I'm not sure if this what LDS leaders expect... but these articles and ones similar to them sure paint a perfect picture, much like the one I like to call, the mormon fairy tale, that leads many youth (as I so naively did) to believe that if you get married in the temple you will live happily ever after. I find it very misleading. Marriage is hard enough, why not throw in same sex attraction/ mixed sexual orientation!? It's super cool and noble and popular right now!

Must find me a gay man to marry, as long as he is hot... of course. ;)

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