HA! here is an old post I found that I never published. (I have lots...)
how much more blunt must one be...? I don't really like avoiding texts but sometimes it really does take me that long to either talk myself into dating someone or to think of a response that means "no")
Him: "So are you going to let me take you out?"
(hahaha! :( I wasn't sure how to respond! I was having an internal battle between knowing I didn't like him and trying to be open minded and going out on one date. And I had a busy weekend. I was hanging out with my sister!)
Him: "Hey beautiful how's your day going?"
Him: "where did you go?"
(I was still thinking about it...... well it's been two days maybe he'll figure out that I'm not interested?)
Him: "So the world is coming to an end Dec 12th. We should go out before the end of the world."
Me: "Hey. Sorry. Honestly, I've been thinking about it and you seem really nice but I'm just not interested in pursuing a relationship. Sorry"
Him: "Yea what are you interested in pursuing?"
Him: "Going on a date is just an excuse for me to get to know you... I'm cool with hangout too if you want a friend if you still let me hit on you."
Him: "Cuddle friends are cool.... you don't want to totally blow me off cuz you'll miss me lol"
Wow! He sounds like a real Winner or Weiner! :)