
Tuesday, August 20, 2013


My gosh it's been a long time.

I've been dating someone for a few months. he thinks everything is great and actually mentioned the future. I'm confused and wondering what universe he is living in.  (I guess i always thought when I found "the one," whatever that means, it would not feel like a roller coaster and would just flow and work....)

I started my art therapy program. I hate school. but I love the idea of my life moving in a different direction and I find the content interesting.
I still have big fears of finding a job. Although, I made a good decision about which school to go to, I am still unsure it is enough as far as securing my finances.

 Bad photo but it's me at my first residency

I've decided to start seeing a therapist/counselor for two reasons:
1) the relationship stuff is freaking me out and I am realizing I have A LOT of issues centered around marriage and commitment and love and expectations and self acceptance and trust and change and sex and well pretty much everything
2) it is strongly suggested as part of my program that I go to at least 8 sessions. (based on the list above I think I'll need more... hahaha!)

so the timing seems right.
How do you find and choose a counselor/therapist? the only one I've been to just did an exercise, over the course of 4 visits, where we talked about all the good stuff in my life in an attempt to improve my self esteem and have a positive outlook. Mostly it just made me feel bad for feeling bad. hahaha!

google seems like a good place to start. wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck finding a therapist. Finding a therapist is like shoe shopping, you may have to try on a few pairs before you find a therapist that will 'fit.' I wish I would have done more therapy while I was in school. Honestly, too many people go into the field looking to 'fix' others but haven't 'fixed' themselves and there is too much projection and countertransferrence.
