I don't like new years resolutions. I despise them....
Ever since a long time ago when I did make resolutions and failed misserably over and over, I've resolved not to make them. hahaha!
And my conviction grows even stronger when I scroll through all the new years resolutions on blogs, facebook and pinterest.
I know myself well enough to know that if I really had these as resolutions that I would fail on week one and then feel bad about it. I know that I can't possibly expect myself to do that many things. And how does one know they've fallen in love more enough.....? how do you measure that so you can say "yes I did fall in love more in 2012" and what steps do you take to fall in love more? And how do you "make new mistakes"? "Quit my bad habits".... could you be any less specific...? You can't honestly think you are going to be able to quit your bad habits with a vague like "quit my bad habits." you need a plan and measurable way to even know if you've achieved it. you need to specify which bad habits and what you are going to replace then with. It just seems like a recipe for failure and more to beat myself up over.
With that said, I have decided to make one goal (or new years resolution, if you must call it that). So without further ado here is my new years resolution:
easy right? You're thinking, "way to aim low, so you don't even have to try!" hahaha! But little did you know this is actually REALLY hard for me! It's something I've struggled with for years, most of my life... I'm not an insomniac. I can fall asleep, and fast, once I do go to bed. I'm just a night owl....
I'd like to go to bed at 11:00 pm at least 3 three nights a week. Going to bed at 11 would be a huge thing to take on, as I actually go to bed between 12 and 2 every night. By just doing that one thing I would be able to accomplish a lot of the other things I want to improve in my life that I could add to my "new years resolution list." It would give me more energy and time to accomplish everything that would go on my list, from playing with Sydney and doing yoga, to clearing up my skin and losing weight. I would feel more at peace and have the mental capacity to tackle everything there is to do.
so far I've had one good week of being in bed at 11:30 and one really bad week of staying up until 1:00 and 2:00 most nights (or should I say mornings). I'm working on managing my time more wisely and being more realistic about what I can actually accomplish after Sydney goes to bed. GO ME!
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